Hop on the Bus Gus

Paul Simon may have been on to something in 1975 with his hit song 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover. You don’t need to discuss much if you were going to board one of these beauties. Just drop off the key, Lee, And get yourself free.

Robin Sager and Mike Senzamici’s 1948 Greyhound bus. (Interior below)

More Buses

At the Jack Sizemore Museum in Amarillo, TX
Bus conversion to an coffee companies traveling espresso bar.

Coffee Company

This road warrior, affectionately known by its social media moniker as “FLXBUS,” was placed on a new 2013 Freightliner chassis and stretched three feet to accommodate a commercial generator.  It also includes a custom automotive paint job, stainless counters and shelving, commercial espresso machines, under-counter refrigerators and reclaimed wood bleacher-style benches.  The unit was designed for a two-person work flow with a curb side service window and removable exterior bar. By Timeless Travel Trailers


Magpul, though, decided that they wanted to conduct their business in a more high-class environment, elegantly restoring a 1950’s era bus to do the job . . . 
The boys in grey started with a 1952 Flxible Sightseer bus, then added all the bells and whistles that would possibly fit. All of the original badges and logos have been replaced with retro-stylized Magpul logos, including the embroidered leather trim on the driver’s chair. The interior of the bus has been completely restored, although as Drew says the bus wasn’t in that bad of shape to begin with when they started. 

The passenger area of the bus is finished in a rich red leather with soft and comfortable cushions. There’s a typical bus-esque seating area right behind the driver, and then a bar area just behind that with a fully stocked and operational bar. e a pair of love seats, and then there’s the baggage compartment. The back of the bus holds some treasures. Complete article and photos featured in issue #18 of the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine.

Mad Men

1955 Flxible Story  My Dad, Dean Carson was in the (bus) business all his life. There is a saying in our family, “buses are in our blood”, and just about all of the boys in the Carson Family end up getting into the bus business one way or another.  In addition to our family fun, we would rent the bus out for movie shoots such as the popular TV Series Mad Men or the blockbuster hit Ali with Will Smith.  See the whole story in issue #55 of the VCT Magazine.

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